School Websites:
You are your child's first and most important teacher.
Parents of CRUHSD students are valued members of a collaborative team. We believe that student achievement is the result of effective partnerships with parents, families and positive role models in the community. |
Contact For Concerns
Any parent with concerns related to their child’s academic progress may contact the site principal, English Language Learner Director, Director of Special Services, or the District Office. You may also contact the above people regarding the English Language Learner program, Teacher Assistance Teams (TAT), 504 Plans, testing for disabilities, and development of Individual Education Plans (I.E.P.)
Site Principal:
Mohave High | 758-3916 | River Valley | 768-2300 |
District Office:
Director of Special Services | 758-8858 |
English Language Learners Coordinator | 758-3961 ext. 1033 |
Superintendent - CRUHSD | 758-3916 ext. 1402 |
Parent Involvement
Parents help to ensure the highest levels of student achievement through effective partnerships and collective accountability. The success in our school system is due, in large part, to the involvement of our parents and their volunteer efforts. By sharing their time, talents and resources as members of PTOs, classroom volunteers and school committees, our parents strengthen CRUHSD teams. |
In addition to the resources found on this site, parents are encouraged to contact their child's teachers and school office for more information and partner opportunities.
Gifted Education:
“Gifted Education” means appropriate academic course offerings and services that are required to provide an educational program that is an integral part of the regular school day and that is commensurate with the academic abilities and potential of a gifted pupil.
Students with exceptional abilities are found in all cultural and linguistic groups, in all economic levels, in all geographic areas of the state, in all domains of intelligence and in groups of individuals who also have disabilities, Although each gifted student is unique, gifted students do have some characteristics in common, They usually are swift and efficient learners, may make intuitive leaps, quickly sense patterns of information, ask themselves questions about perceived patterns in order to understand them, and form connections among stored concepts and related bits of new information to modify their existing knowledge base, In their area of interest, they are able to construct clear mental maps that organize concepts efficiently; they are able to think flexibly about new possibilities, and they thrive on questions and problems that have a wide range of possible answers instead of those that have one correct answer.
AzMERIT (Arizona's Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching) is Arizona's new statewide achievement test. Arizona is partnering with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to develop tests which are unique to Arizona
Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) tested the old standards. Spring 2014 was the last time AIMS was administered for reading, writing, and mathematics.
AzMERIT, based on the new standards, will tell teachers, students, and parents if students are on track to be college and career ready upon graduation from high school.
Performance labels for AzMERIT are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient and Minimally Proficient. Cut-off scores for each performance label were determined based on what students at each grade level should know, not by the percentage of questions students answered correctly.
Students who took AzMERIT may be less proficient than they were on AIMS. AzMERIT is not comparable to AIMS. This decrease is not a reflection of students' learning or the quality of their education. With new standards and a new assessment, we need to redefine our expectations. AzMERIT scores are expected to increase over time, and more rigorous standards mean our students will be better prepared than ever to enter into an increasingly competitive world upon graduation.
Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination:
The Colorado River Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. Career and Technical Education program offerings include: Agriculture Science, Business Operations, Culinary Arts, Engineering Sciences, Fashion Design & Merchandising, and TV/Film. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the Career and Technical (vocational) Education programs of the Colorado River Union High School District.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
Title IX Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Title IX Coordinator
Address: 2251 Highway 95 Bullhead City,
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Section 504/ADA
Address: Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Aviso Anual
El Distrito Escolar de Colorado River Union High School no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen
nacional, sexo, discapacidad o edad en sus programas o actividades. Las ofertas del programa de
Educación Técnica y Profesional incluyen: Ciencias Agrícolas, Operaciones Comerciales, Artes Culinarias,
Ciencias de Ingeniería, Diseño y Merchandising de Moda, y TV/Cine. La falta de habilidades en el idioma
inglés no será una barrera para la admisión y participación en los programas de Educación Técnica y
Profesional del Distrito Escolar de Colorado River Union High School.
Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para atender consultas sobre las políticas de no
Title IX Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Title IX Coordinator
Address: 2251 Highway 95 Bullhead City,
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Section 504/ADA
Address: Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Student & Parent Handbook:
Student Activities Handbook:
Athletic Handbook CRUHSD:
Activity Trips & Field Trips Packet:
Parchment Instructions:
Food Services and Free & Reduced Lunch Documents:
2024-2025 Application - English
2024-2025 Application - Spanish
Instructions for Applying - English
Instructions for Applying - Spanish
Parent Letter - RVHS - english
Parent Letter - RVHS - Spanish
Parent Letter - CRUHSD Academy - english
Transportation Liability Waiver:
Invest in Our Future, Invest in Our Children
Arizona allows state income taxpayers to receive a tax credit of up to $400 ($200 for individuals) for contributions made to public schools to support extracurricular activities (A.R.S.43-1089.01). The tax credit is available to all taxpayers whether or not they have children in the public schools. The law allows subtraction of your donation from the amount of taxes you owe. The tax credit can be claimed in personal income tax returns only.
Contributions are donated directly to schools, not to the state. The funds are not subject to the revenue control limit that prevents schools from spending more than a fixed amount for programs. This increased funding will allow more children to participate in activities. You can contribute to any activity or academic program for which the school district requires a fee.
Get a Tax Credit for participating:
- It's a Dollar for Dollar subtraction from your State income tax liability.
- Participate up to $200 single or $400 married
- Helps extracurricular activities; band, choir, sports, clubs, and technology
- It either lowers the State tax you owe or increases your refund.
- You tell the state where you want your Tax dollars to go.
- You keep your State tax money in Bullhead City and Mohave Valley.
- You select the school to help.
Title I:
Title I is the federal program that provides funding to local school districts to improve the academic achievement of disadvantaged students. It is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act first passed in 1965.
Important Resources:
Parents' Right to Know Handbook
LEA Foster Care Point of Contacts:
• Mohave High School-Elizabeth Lara (928)-758-3916 x 1232
• River Valley High School-Elizabeth Lara (928)-758-3916 x 1232
• CRUHSD Academy-Troy Heaton (928)-768-2300 x1536
• Transportation Office: William Bailey – (928) 704-5741
School Websites:
Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination:
The Colorado River Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. Career and Technical Education program offerings include: Agriculture Science, Business Operations, Culinary Arts, Engineering Sciences, Fashion Design & Merchandising, and TV/Film. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the Career and Technical (vocational) Education programs of the Colorado River Union High School District.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
Title IX Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Title IX Coordinator
Address: 2251 Highway 95 Bullhead City,
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Section 504/ADA
Address: Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Aviso Anual
El Distrito Escolar de Colorado River Union High School no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen
nacional, sexo, discapacidad o edad en sus programas o actividades. Las ofertas del programa de
Educación Técnica y Profesional incluyen: Ciencias Agrícolas, Operaciones Comerciales, Artes Culinarias,
Ciencias de Ingeniería, Diseño y Merchandising de Moda, y TV/Cine. La falta de habilidades en el idioma
inglés no será una barrera para la admisión y participación en los programas de Educación Técnica y
Profesional del Distrito Escolar de Colorado River Union High School.
Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para atender consultas sobre las políticas de no
Title IX Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Title IX Coordinator
Address: 2251 Highway 95 Bullhead City,
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Section 504/ADA
Address: Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Student & Parent Handbook:
Student Activities Handbook:
Athletic Handbook CRUHSD:
Activity Trips & Field Trips Packet:
Parchment Instructions:
Food Services and Free & Reduced Lunch Documents:
2024-2025 Application - English
2024-2025 Application - Spanish
Instructions for Applying - English
Instructions for Applying - Spanish
Parent Letter - RVHS - english
Parent Letter - RVHS - Spanish
Parent Letter - CRUHSD Academy - english
Transportation Liability Waiver:
Online Resources:
School Websites:
The Colorado River Union Human Resources Department welcomes you to our District. We're one of Arizona's outstanding high school districts with about 2,500 students in grades 9-12 in a rural, active, and growing community. We offer our employees excellent working conditions, a range of support services, special and innovative programs, competitive salaries and benefits, and professional growth opportunities. Our community also offers diverse recreation and entertainment opportunities for active people.
Staff Handbooks:
Online Resources:
If you are unable to find answers to your questions on our website we invite you to contact us directly at:
Colorado River Union School District Personnel Office:
Rene Hagan
Physical Address:
2251 Hwy 95
Bullhead City, AZ 86442
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 21479
Bullhead City, AZ 86439
(928) 758-3961
Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination:
The Colorado River Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. Career and Technical Education program offerings include: Agriculture Science, Business Operations, Culinary Arts, Engineering Sciences, Fashion Design & Merchandising, and TV/Film. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the Career and Technical (vocational) Education programs of the Colorado River Union High School District.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
Title IX Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Title IX Coordinator
Address: 2251 Highway 95 Bullhead City,
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Section 504/ADA
Address: Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Aviso Anual
El Distrito Escolar de Colorado River Union High School no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen
nacional, sexo, discapacidad o edad en sus programas o actividades. Las ofertas del programa de
Educación Técnica y Profesional incluyen: Ciencias Agrícolas, Operaciones Comerciales, Artes Culinarias,
Ciencias de Ingeniería, Diseño y Merchandising de Moda, y TV/Cine. La falta de habilidades en el idioma
inglés no será una barrera para la admisión y participación en los programas de Educación Técnica y
Profesional del Distrito Escolar de Colorado River Union High School.
Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para atender consultas sobre las políticas de no
Title IX Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Title IX Coordinator
Address: 2251 Highway 95 Bullhead City,
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Name and/or Title*: Section 504/ADA
Address: Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ
Telephone Number: 928-758-3916
Activity Trips & Field Trips Packet:
Retirement Account Providers:
Student Activities Handbook:
Transportation Liability Waiver:
Parchment Instructions:
Invest in Our Future, Invest in Our Children
Arizona allows state income taxpayers to receive a tax credit of up to $400 ($200 for individuals) for contributions made to public schools to support extracurricular activities (A.R.S.43-1089.01). The tax credit is available to all taxpayers whether or not they have children in the public schools. The law allows subtraction of your donation from the amount of taxes you owe. The tax credit can be claimed in personal income tax returns only.
Contributions are donated directly to schools, not to the state. The funds are not subject to the revenue control limit that prevents schools from spending more than a fixed amount for programs. This increased funding will allow more children to participate in activities. You can contribute to any activity or academic program for which the school district requires a fee.
Get a Tax Credit for participating:
- It's a Dollar for Dollar subtraction from your State income tax liability.
- Participate up to $200 single or $400 married
- Helps extracurricular activities; band, choir, sports, clubs, and technology
- It either lowers the State tax you owe or increases your refund.
- You tell the state where you want your Tax dollars to go.
- You keep your State tax money in Bullhead City and Mohave Valley.
- You select the school to help.