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Tiny T-Birds Enrollment

Child Enrollment

Program enrollment is open to the community. However, first priority will be given to our district (CRUHSD) staff and then Community members. If space is not available, parents will have the option of placing their child’s name on the waiting list. No registration fee is required at this time. Admission will be granted based on availability. Parents will be notified by phone when space becomes available. Enrollment must begin within 1 week or the space will be forfeited and the child’s name will be removed from the waiting list.

Each child must have a completed enrollment packet on file which includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • emergency card
  • photo authorization
  • payment agreement form
  • current copy of the child’s immunization record
  • physician’s statement of health and ability to participate in group care on file within six months of enrollment

The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) requires that we maintain accurate, up-to-date immunization records. Immunization records are required prior to your child’s first day of enrollment and need to be updated whenever your child receives a new immunization. The ADHS also requires that we provide families with a notice of inadequate immunizations when children are due for immunizations. Furthermore, if documentation of required immunizations is not provided within the mandatory 15 day grace period, the child may not attend the center.

We will assign children to an age group/classroom based on their age and development level at the start of the school year. As your child ages up and openings become available, we will discuss transitioning your child to the next age group/classroom. Pleas