Motto & Mission
Our district motto is our guiding principle:
Achievement For All
Our district mission drives all of our educational decisions and helps us maintain a strategic focus on our future growth.
To provide a student-centered environment that cultivates character, promotes academic excellence, and embraces diversity. Students will achieve their maximum potential and become productive citizens that provide a lasting contribution to our society.
Collective Commitments:
The Colorado River Union High School District is building a Culture of Achievement for All. Creating a culture of Achievement for All is built on a foundation of continuous improvement and life-long learning for both students and adults. During the 2022-2023 school year a Guiding Coalition of teachers and school leaders participated in a process of defining a vision of what the CRUHSD community ought to be. The Vision and Values that resulted from this process articulate the goal of what it is we hope to become as a school community. Our Vision and Values are reflected in a series of collective commitments from our teachers and school leaders. It is our vision for the future.
Collective Commitment # 1 Professional Learning Community:
We are collectively committed to creating a Professional Learning Community and our focus will shift from what is being taught to what our students are learning.
Collective Commitment # 2 Grading Practices:
We are collectively committed to equitable grading practices that provide students with timely and specific feedback and multiple opportunities to demonstrate that they have learned skills and content.
Collective Commitment # 3 Instruction:
We are collectively committed to achievement for all by ensuring the following unified expectations in every classroom.
Greeting -
We will greet students at the door and ensure that students are ready to learn by stowing away their cell phones and other electronic devices.
Attendance -
We will be on-time and take attendance within the first ten minutes and minimize errors by not allowing students out of the class during the first ten minutes.
Procedures -
We will ensure that we are following school-wide procedures.
Lesson Design -
We will utilize a lesson structure that includes a do-now activity as students walk in, a learning goal, success criteria, a Kagan structure and closure.
Instruction -
We will make efforts daily and through the PLC process to teach with intentionality and clarity in order to engage our students on their road to high achievement for all.
Relationships -
We will make efforts daily to connect with our students and instill pride in all that we do.
We will build positive relationships to encourage students in academics, arts, and athletics.
Collective Commitment # 4 Learning Environment:
We are collectively committed to a safe school and classroom environment that supports positive relationships that encourages academic risk taking, innovation, and well - being.